Saturday, March 8, 2008


1. Crime and the police
To ensure that the police force in PJ is increased, the candidate will:
  • Encourage more and better qualified local youths from all races to enlist as police officers and assist interested police candidates through the entire recruitment process.
  • Campaign for an increase in allowance (high-risk occupation) for the police force to enable them to perform their duties without having to resort to corrupt practices. This hopefully increases the pride and dignity of the police force

2. Good governance, transparency and accountability
To ensure that proper relief is provided to lower income groups, wastage must be stopped at all levels of governance. The candidate will:
  • Implement clear licensing guidelines and policies. A comprehensice policy on licensing allows the public to immediately check on the process and helps prevent corruption.
  • Ensure that MBPJ solicits greater public participation by keeping the public informed and hold consultations with the public before and policy is implemented by the government, especially on town-planning issues, eg building development and re-zoning of land use.
  • Abolish the need for secrecy involving government accounts and minutes of all local government meetings. Making these documents public discourages and prevents corruption, and provides a more efficient and accountable government service.
  • Advocate the need for local government elections to ensure that local governments are headed by capable leaders.

3. Service centre for the people
The candidate will work hard at raising funds to set up a service centre manned by full-time workers within the Bukit Gasing constituency to provide assistance to the public. This service centre will hopefully be set up regardless of the election outcome.

The following are federal and state level concerns the candidate hopes to continuously highlight through his work:

1. Correcting the position of the civil service
The BN Government has managed the government machinery which includes all government departments as if it were part of the BN party machinery. The candidate will highlight these excesses and inform government servants the clear definition and delineation of their independence from party politics and politicians. This will prevent government servants from being made subservient and pander to the whims and fancies of the political parties in power. What is more important is the need to restore and enhance the dignity and reputation of the civil service, including the judiciary.

2. High cost of health services
The candidate will lobby with his counterparts in Parliament to register the plight of patients hit by spiralling high costs of medical and health care. The candidate will actively fight for fair and affordable health and medical care.

3. Flawed laws
Several existing laws at federal and state levels are flawed and allows for manipulation and abuse. The candidate will table private member bills for Selangor to have freedom of information enactment and local election enactment, two critical issues that affect the wellbeing of residents.

4. Minority group interests
The candidate will help identify and find solutions to minority group issues and endeavour to bring them to the attention of the authorities.

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